Just follow this step-by-step 30 days challenge and you’ll witness INCREDIBLE confidence in speaking English!

 25th September, 2023

After completion

Chance to win AMAZON Vouchers every week

Register For 30-Day Challenge

For Just Rs.1499 Rs.3999

Dear Friend,

If you’re concerned about your English, then this is the most important message you’ll ever read.


Here's why:


Nothing is more terrifying than seeing yourself in the same position where you were in 1 year back.


Especially when you’ve probably spent thousands of hours and an unfathomable amount of money, time, sweat, and focus on learning English speaking.


But whenever you try speaking English, people mock you.


You go to your job interviews and clear all your exams, but because of your English, you aren’t selected for the company.


You don’t get promotions in your existing job just becz your boss doesn’t like your confidence.


You’re unable to fulfill your dreams.


You want to go on vacations but your income doesn’t allow it.

The only reason behind all these problems is the lack of ENGLISH.

You see, It’s always never easy to speak in English.

But with the right guidance and support you can break the above belief.

Hi, I am Sutanu Majumder and I invite you to Join my 30 days ULTIMATE English speaking & confidence boosting challenge.


This is the 30 days challenge where you’ll get RECORDED + LIVE CLASSES.

Start date: 25th Sept 2023

Get Certified: After Completing the course


Register For 30-Day Challenge

For Just Rs.1499 Rs.3999

By the way this CHALLENGE is not for everyone.

This CHALLENGE is for you if you are…

Now you might be thinking what is In this CHALLENGE, so Let me explain to you…

In this challenge you get…

Your English level test so that you know your strengths and weaknesses.

12 Live Practice sessions.

Audios for Listening Practice so that you can listen to them even if you’re working in the house or office.

You get the BEST WhatsApp Support 24 X 7 (ask any question and we will answer).

10 PDF copies of ULTIMATE grammar and vocabulary books so that you stay ahead of everyone.

Daily Assignments are delivered directly to Whats App so you can do your Speaking Practice without any problem.

Weekly Speaking Challenge & A Chance to Win 500Rs. Amazon Gift Voucher based on performance every week.

A private community where you can find your accountability partner and practice with him/her whenever you want.

This is not the first time I am doing
such a challenge.

I have already conducted 3 batches in the last couple of years and my students just loved it.

So here’s why you must consider THIS challenge… 

Improve your spoken English

Improve English writing skills

Upgrade your English comprehension

Get familiar with different English accents

Know about advanced English grammar

Master English pronunciation

Improve your confidence in English

Ready to speak English like a Pro? Then...

Register For 30-Day Challenge

For Just Rs.1499 Rs.3999

Know Your Trainer

Sutanu Majumder

TESOL Certified ESL teacher & EnglishConfidence Coach from India

 A TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certified  ESL (English as a second language) teacher, Personality Development Trainer & 5 times JOSH TALKS Speaker.

I have  trained 6000+ Students, Professionals, Entrepreneurs and Aspiring Individuals across the globe.

I have received 9.5+ Average Ratings for the Ultimate English Fluency Workshop.

I  started her career as a Mechanical Engineer, but my passion dragged me into the Training field.

Therefore, I gave up my highly paid 9-5 job and started re-educating myself. 

I have completed the TESOL Certification, Image Consulting & Personality development course.

At present, I  am running my online English Courses successfully. In the last 12 months, I have trained over 3450+ students across the globe.

I am on a mission to help 1,00,000 students to become EXTRAORDINARY English speakers.

It is the story of a Woman from Unknown to known, with No Name to fame, working hard against obstacles and not giving up.

Where there is a will, there is a Wheel ( Wheel of Fortune). The power is within you, and you have to Unleash that power.

One must live a meaningful life without Complaining & Blaming Situations or others, or Luck.

And that’s what I believe in 😊.

My life totally got changed after learning English.

If ENGLISH can give me the best life, then you’re no different.

Today’s era is the English era, if you can’t communicate well in English, You’re missing out on a lot.

Now the Question is, "Are you one of those 10,00,00 Students?"

That’s why joining my 30-DAY CHALLENGE  can be life-changing for you. 

IN THIS 30-DAY CHALLENGE You will witness…

Drastic improvement in your spoken English

A-Z Upgradation in your English comprehension

Improved English writing skills 

Become familiar with different English accents

Reveal the secrets of advanced English grammar

Become a master of English pronunciation

And most importantly your confidence in English would be 10X high 

The batch can be full anytime.

Take the action now and become the best at English speaking.

Start date:  25th Sept, 2023

Get Certified: After Completion

Register For 30-Day Challenge

For Just Rs.1499 Rs.3999

Here’s what my students say about me…

Register For 30-Day Challenge

For Just Rs.1499 Rs.3999

Register For 30-Day Challenge

For Just Rs.1499 Rs.3999

I want you to see you speaking English without any fear.

That’s all I want.

Whether you join this challenge or not, doesn’t matter

But I will always be there for you.


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